Mitsui Bussan Aerospace Co., Ltd. Mitsui Bussan Aerospace Co., Ltd.

Privacy Policy

We recognize that the protection of personal information is an important social responsibility, and we have established the following personal information protection policy and will endeavor to handle, manage and maintain personal information.

  1. Acquisition, Use and Provision of Personal Information

    When acquiring, using and providing personal information, we recognize the importance of protecting personal information and will handle it appropriately.

  2. Matters related to implementation of safety measures and safety control measures

    We will take necessary and appropriate safety management measures to control personal data, such as preventing leakage, loss, or damage. We will also conduct necessary and appropriate supervision of employees and contractors (including subcontractors) handling personal data. The Rules on Personal Information Protection separately stipulate specific measures for the management of personal data. The main items are as follows.

    (Establishment of Personal Information Protection Guidelines)

    • In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have established the Personal Information Protection Guidelines with respect to “compliance with relevant laws and guidelines” and “contact for inquiries and complaint processing.”

    (Establishment of Regulations on the Handling of Personal Data)

    • We have established Personal Information Protection Regulations with respect to the handling methods, responsible persons in charge, handling persons in charge, and their duties, at each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal.

    (Systematic Security Control Measures)

    • In addition to appointing a responsible person in charge of the handling of personal data, we clearly identify the employees who will handle personal data and have defined the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and have established a system to report to the responsible person in charge any violation of the Personal Information Protection Law or the Personal Information Protection Regulations.
    • We conduct periodic self-inspections of the status of the handling of personal data, and the Internal Audit Department conducts audits.

    (Human Security Control Measures)

    • We regularly alert employees and provide them with training on matters to be noted regarding the handling of personal data.
    • Matters concerning the confidentiality of personal data are described in the Employment Regulations and written pledges are submitted by employees.

    (Physical Security Control Measures)

    • In areas where personal data is handled, we control the entry and exit of employees and restrict devices, etc. brought in, and take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
    • In addition to taking measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data, measures are taken to prevent personal data from being easily identified when transporting such equipment, electronic media, etc., including transportation within business sites.

    (Technical Security Control Measures)

    • We implement access control, limiting the authorized persons and the scope of personal information databases handled.
    • We have introduced a mechanism to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized access via outside sources or unauthorized software.

    (Understanding of External Environments)

    • When handling personal data at a server located in a foreign country, we constantly obtain the latest information on the personal information protection systems in the foreign country concerned and take security control measures in accordance with the condition of the system.
  3. Implementation of Continuous Improvement

    We will establish, implement and maintain a management system for the protection of personal information, review it regularly, and strive for continuous improvement.

  4. Compliance with Laws and Norms

    When handling personal information, we will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, guidelines set by the government, and other norms.

About Handling Personal Information

Mitsui Bussan Aerospace Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and related laws and regulations, properly manage personal information provided by customers, and handle it as follows.

  1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    All or part of the personal information provided to us will be used for the following purposes.

    1. To provide services that you have registered or applied for (including notifications and greetings based on social customs, and contact with related parties necessary for providing services).
    2. To deliver the products you ordered and applied for
    3. To guide you to events such as exhibitions and seminars
    4. To report the results to those who cooperated and participated in questionnaires and events.
    5. To provide services using direct mail, e-mail delivery, fax communication, etc.
    6. To determine and notify you whether or not to hire a job application
    7. For other work related to or incidental to the above work
  2. Provision of personal information

    We will not disclose or provide the personal information provided by the customer to a third party except with the consent of the customer or in accordance with the law.

  3. Entrustment of Personal Information

    We may entrust your personal information to our contractor in order to achieve the purpose of use 1 above. When we deposit your personal information to our contractor, we will select an appropriate contractor and clarify the obligations and responsibilities of the contractor by contract, so that the personal information will be safe at the contractor. We will properly supervise it so that it will be managed.

  4. Shared Use of Personal Information

    If necessary, we may share the personal information received from our customers as follows. Items to be shared: company name, affiliation, job title, name, address, phone number, email address
    Scope of joint users: Our company and affiliated companies listed in our securities report
    Purpose of use by joint users: To provide customers with services related to our business in a useful and appropriate manner.
    Person responsible for managing personal data: Mitsui Bussan Aerospace Co., Ltd.

  5. Handling of Personal Information Associated with External Links

    Websites operated by us may contain external links. We are not responsible for the handling, management status, and posted content of personal information on external sites. Please contact the linked site directly.

  6. About the Use of Cookies

    Our website uses some cookies in order to provide the best service to our customers. We do not obtain any personally identifiable information from this cookie.

  7. About Acquisition of Access History

    On our website, we may collect access history for the purpose of statistics and analysis of your site usage. By acquiring the access history, we do not obtain any information that can identify personal information.

  8. About Prevention Measures Such as Easesdropping by a Third Party

    On our website, personal information provided by customers is encrypted by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) so that it will not be eavesdropped by a third party during communication, or security equivalent to this. I will try to secure it.

  9. Handling of Personal Information for Each Product, Service, and Business

    We may individually determine the purpose of use of personal information, provision to third parties, contact information, etc. for each product, service, and business.
    In that case, if there are any rules or special rules that differ from “Handling of personal information”, the matters related to the handling of personal information set for each product, service, or business will be applied with priority.

  10. Disclosure, Correction and Suspension of use of Registered Information

    When a customer requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, erasure, disclosure to a third party, suspension of provision, etc. of personal information about the customer, we will confirm that he / she is the person himself / herself. , We will respond promptly unless there is a special reason.
    For details of the procedure, please see the consultation desk and procedure for personal information below.

Consultation counter / procedure

●Mitsui Bussan Aerospace Co., Ltd. Personal Information Consultation desk

22nd floor of Tekko Building, 1-8-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
To Mitsui Bussan Aerospace Co., Ltd. Personnel and General Affairs Office

●Procedure Method

  1. If you wish to disclose, change or delete your personal information, please let us know by mail first.

    Items to be stated on postcards and envelopes
    • Address and name of the destination of the “Request for Disclosure”
    • Please simply indicate that you would like to send the “Request for Disclosure”
    Please mail postcards and envelopes to our consultation desk above.
    • Please mail postcards and envelopes to our consultation desk above.
  2. Based on the above contact, we will send you a “Request for Disclosure Request” form and a “Manual”.
  3. The customer should fill in the required items on the “Request for Disclosure”, enclose the “Documents for Identity Verification” based on the “Instruction Manual”, and send it to our consultation desk by mail.
  4. After confirming the contents of the request, we will reply by mail.

* A fee may be charged for disclosure, etc., depending on the content.
* When requesting disclosure, etc. by an agent, please attach a power of attorney from the person himself / herself and enclose it based on the “Instruction Manual”.